About Neil
Neil writes books on health, healing, wellness, mind, body and spirit.
Neil also writes page-turner memoir’s, historical novels and gripping adventures.

The story of
Neil Atkinson
To be honest I asked other people to write this as I felt … well, too close to the subject and after multiple attempts could not recognise who it was about. So, I put up a ‘drowning not waving’ and friends came to the rescue. I will write the introduction then leave the remainder to other opinions.
My dearest, late friend John McAll, clinical psychologist, when I first told him about my life, with dry as a bone humour, he said, “Boy! You must have bags of karma to burn off.” I loved him from that moment as my therapist for the remainder of his life.
John, along with extraordinary miracle doctor of “last hope” Anslie Meares worked with me on PTSD and other mental health issues because of rape and sexual abuse as a child by two scout leaders at an army camp.
I am the only child of exquisitely wonderful Mavis. I was born in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. My beloved mother died too early of a drug overdose before I even really understood who this beautiful soul was.
My father Jim was a professional soldier, an officer but not a gentleman. He was a drunk, bully, domestically violent, gambler, a morals free zone and a bigamist. He was married to the army and was having an “affair” with my mother that produced a son. Domestic life was a marathon of hideous violence, poverty, and terror. That ends my part of the introduction.
What Friends Think About Neil
- Darren
My name is Darren. I am an aircraft engineer (retired). It was inevitable if not deliberately designed Neil would grow to help, heal, and write, of which he is exceptionally gifted, considering his painful upbringing. I am spiritual not religious and have practised many forms of yoga, meditation, spiritual healing, and Eastern philosophy. I am a senior age and can recognise spirit driven and guided exceptional healers who this time around, endured and suffered much so they can impart that learning to others to help and to heal.
When it comes to healing, he is led by guided interventions of spirit and nature while being firmly grounded in medical and health science. In fact, he is extremely wary and very hostile to any healing or health claim, esoteric or “alternate” or “wellness” that cannot prove itself in evidence.
He writes about life and healing driven by honesty. Make no mistake, when it comes to healing, he is a gifted insightful practitioner, and in my humble opinion, an “old soul.”
- Marjorie
Hi, I am Marjorie, and have known Neil a long time. His ever so practical and critical Virgo mind does not really believe in astrology, but his spiritual generosity and loyal friendship (Leo) did not reject adding my opinion. Neil is a cusp person that perfectly suits both his healing and his creative writing. He just crosses the line from Leo to Virgo. These people have a combination of both Leo and Virgo traits which make them a unique calm person with at times fiery personality. But in the right hands (especially a ladies) they are meek as a kitten and, oh so loyal and devoted.
Neil is single by the way. And SHOULD NOT be that way ladies! He has spent too long helping and looking after others.
Leo-Virgo people are mostly ambivert, creative, ambitious, dramatic, dependent, confident, honest, leaders, optimistic, logical, punctual, unique, and fun-loving. But sometimes, they can be aloof, egotistical, cold, and stubborn. Like any other Virgos, these people are also considered to be perfectionists. A critical element for a dedicated healer: you do not get care unless it’s the right care.
Neil has the features of two elements- fire and earth. The fiery and energetic nature of Leo with a combination of logical and meticulous mind of Virgo. The drive of Leo to do the absolute best for you, the meticulous mind of Virgo ensures healing happens the way it should.
They are the biggest admirers of good and beautiful things in their life. Pretty and attractive things easily catch their attention like a beautiful piece of art, some precious objects etc, or a dedicated partner who cares about herself. And they always try to keep their surroundings clean, beautiful, and appealing. The Leo pride.
Polite, open-minded, and responsible, are some of the traits that make these people great team workers and exceptional leaders as well. But their habit of giving attention to every detail often makes others irritated. So, a partner or client’s patience is necessary.
They do not nag but really hope the client cares enough about themselves as their physician. People born under Leo Virgo cusp are great lovers as they are highly romantic, loyal, and playful. They have a great ability to convince people and thanks to this, they can be good teachers, healers, writers, or leaders as well.
In the cusp of Leo Virgo, the heat of Leo gets modified by the calmness of earth element Virgo. These people are generally good, genuine, and intelligent.
- Dr Jess Cuthbert, Briggs, MD.BS. Ph.D
Probably the one notable thing I remember about Neil is our marathon debates. As a medical doctor and psychiatrist, my views on treatment were often opposed to his “spiritual dimension” and holistic care. His sharp mind and clinical knowledge are exceptional making therapeutic discussions “lively.” He is a very grounded holistic practitioner, and as Darren said, dedicated to help and to heal whatever client needs present.
Neil is against all forms of discrimination and inequality and stands with women against sexism in broader society and supports equal opportunities in the workplace.
He is a lover of animals and animal rights, nature, and the environment. He is a “greenie”, and he loves his earth and loves those who love.
Very much a bush and country child, you will find him unashamedly hugging tree, talking to a forest, weeping over some destroyed land. Do not talk to him about “progress” if it means destruction of the earth.
An accomplished horse rider and owner, Neil was taught by some of the best stockman (cowboys) in the world, Australian aboriginals, while he worked on cattle stations in Australia’s outback. A humanitarian, he was distressed to see the treatment of animals and recorded his outback experiences in the top selling book, The Last Wild West (Available from Hybrid Publishing)
As a university trained Alternative Medicine Professional and Integrative Health and Wellness Expert who specialises in functional medicine, I am passionate about knowing, exploring, experiencing, proving and developing the very latest health, healing and wellness therapies and knowledge
I embrace wisdom of the old as pathways to new wellness. All wisdom is eternal. All knowing is now. Now is the wisdom of knowing healing of mind, body and spirit
My self-help books are health and healing proven facts not commercial fiction.
If I haven’t personally proved a therapy, technique or product works as claimed its junked
Self-help books to heal your body, soothe your spirit and calm your mind
ALONG CAME A SPIDER about what was learned by taking “the road less travelled” secrets, shame and success, from victim to victory of Child Abuse
THE LAST WILD WEST – A saga of Northern Territory cattle stations, racial violence, wild horses and the supernatural
TENT BOXER—boxing troupes of mostly black fighters followed outback fairs and rodeos, putting up big top tents and taking on all-comers for cash in the ring. The true, tough, heart-moving story of Nigel Nulla who rose from abject poverty in the harsh outback to inspire his people in defiance on the lawns of Parliament House in the ‘Tent Embassy’ rebellion
BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS… Many more to come.
Be Healthy, Be Entertained, Be Wonderfully You, Be Loved