Latest Best Selling Book
Help Yourself To Wellness
Busting Wellness Con and Confusion The Ultimate Self-Help Health Guide

This book is all about helping self-help health consumers understand wellness maximising health by minimising risk. Written by a Complementary Medicine and Wellness expert of forty years’ experience, this book busts confusion and con around many popular wellness therapies and products by exposing what works, what doesn’t and protects the self-help wellness consumer from slick marketing and bogus therapies.
This book is the culmination of principles learnt in clinical practice using medicine, biochemical science, nutritional medicine, personal training and life coaching to carefully examine many marketing claims around wellness products.
Wellness, like most billion-dollar industries, is simply one of mitigating risk, and much of it is operated in a manner which could be described as survival of the fittest and slickest marketing, almost a wild west of wellness, with few safeguards to protect self-help health consumers from dubious products and therapies.
This book changes all that. This book helps protect you from the wrong kind of wellness advice and products. You have a right to know, without confusion and con, not only value for money, but maximize wellness therapies and products by understanding how they work and why others don’t.
This book has an additional benefit. There is just enough technical information to serve the needs of health professionals like life and fitness coaches, but an easy straightforward read so everyday health consumers can apply it to their wellness lives.
If you are serious about knowing what you really need to know about wellness this is your book. Available from Australian eBook Publisher and