Latest Best Selling Book
Mind Massage For Mad Times
Healing Your-Self

Mind Massage For Mad Times offers a bold, totally new and unique holistic approach to harness the power of your mind, not only to maximise your physical health and healing but emotional wellbeing, healing your-self, the whole you, body-spirit (emotions) and mind. In today’s increasing pressure cooker world rates of depression, stress, fear, despair and anxiety are rising as never before. Andrew Oswald, a professor who studies wellbeing, recently said mental health indicators nearly always point down. “Things are not going completely well in western society,” he said. Proposed remedies are numerous. And one that is garnering growing attention is mind based therapies to combat depression and anxiety.
The incredibly stressful environment of modern society can become overwhelming for many. Unlike previous societies, now we need skills to help stop worrying, overcome negative thinking and self-sabotaging behaviours.
To achieve this people try various emotion/physical therapies and techniques; yoga, meditation, mindfulness, cognitive therapy etc. Although helpful, often such therapies have a poor record of long term benefits except for the truly dedicated. People drift back to old destructive habits, old non-productive lives feeling adrift, lost and abandoned by an uncaring indifferent society and so-called guru’s and life coaches who really don’t understand people’s needs.
Mind Massage For Mad Times is the life raft for everybody searching for a way to find meaning in their lives and conquer the trials and tribulations society imposes. This powerful, bestselling account of the proven techniques of Empowered Mind Wellness is used to overcome anxiety, stress, anger, unforgiveness and multiple other emotions teaching readers to regain control of their lives.
Empowered Mind Wellness shows how amazingly powerful therapies heals mind, body and spirit with incredible transformations from destructive to dynamic and wholesome with just a few tried and true techniques that harnesses the healing power of your mind.
Read these true life testimonials to see how Mind Massage For Mad Times is bringing about remarkable healing and wellness transformations.
“I was honoured to read a proof copy of Neil Atkinson’s wonderful book Mind Massage For Mad Times. In these mad modern times it’s very timely. What made it so potent and moving for me often bringing me to tears, I was one of those battered women, ‘down there on the floor,’ struggling to survive before becoming one of Neil’s natural health and healing clients. It did not matter Neil had no formal mental health qualifications, to all his clients, he had lived through horrible events that gave him such an amazing depth of empathy and understanding; he really understood. I am now the CEO of a successful tech company and I owe such a debt of gratitude to Neil and his EMW which I still practice. Neil’s advice and techniques are spot on target when it comes to effectiveness, I can vouch for the accuracy and practicality of his recommendations. I do hope this is published, it’ll be the key to emotional health to so many and I recommend anybody this book to learn all about wellness and mind-body medicine.”
Marjorie R. Tech Company C.E.O
“As an airline pilot on both domestic and international routes, I take with me all critical flight data and Neil’s EMW. The forward by the psychologist John McAll says the book is “very brave.” I couldn’t agree more. Neil is a unique heart-driven healer in a world full of commercially health and so-called wellness. What I learnt from EMW is used daily to help reinforce what Neil awakened. Well done. Easy to read and wonderful to use. As a former client I wish Neil every success. If anyone deserves it his book does.”
Thom H. Domestic and International Pilot.
“Our health is a key element of living a successful life. Mind Massage For Mad Times explores and develops your awareness of the important mind/body/spirit connection that is vital to living a healthy life. Great read. Recommended.”
Jim S. bestselling author of The Ultimate Gift. Author.
“Mind Massage For Mad Times is a rich and very useful resource, full of great distinctions. It is simple, but drills right to the core of so much pain, confusion and stress, easy to understand and use, and Neil’s voice throughout is loving, accepting and compassionate, he really does understand. The case studies and his personal journey is absolutely inspirational. I was just so moved. You’ll be inspired to put EMW into practice yourself. Thank you Neil, for all you did for me and my family.”
Sue W. Admin Officer
“Mental Massage For Mad Times is a remarkable testimony to an equally remarkable human being. He offers so many wonderful insights for deep and meaningful healing. He walks you around inside your mind and emotions, to help and to heal. Neil explains and demonstrates how your thoughts, energy, emotions, even your words, affect your health. After reading this book you’re ‘remembered wellness’ won’t be a secret any more but a powerful guide to transform your body-mind-emotional life. This inner wisdom is there is all of us, waiting in the dark, waiting for a loving, kind, and understanding healer and survivor to turn on the light of wellness. An amazing book from such a wise and spirit filled man. I will recommend to all my clients.
Wendy A. Real Estate Manager.It was my pleasure to have reviewed this book. In it Neil Atkinson develops a Mind-Body-Emotion “meditative” practice Empowered Mind Wellness, using well established and scientifically validated techniques for stress, anxiety and other health damaging emotional states, but looks behind the curtain at how and why past unresolved traumas impact so severely on daily living. Every one of us has a story to tell, but Neil’s is more compelling than many, particularly traumatic, challenging and confronting. From these experiences he developed Empowered Mind Wellness to stand alone as a therapeutic technique, or complementary to orthodox therapies for to help others rise above their physical and emotional challenges. Neil’s only desire to give to others what he knows: healing your “Self” both figuratively and literally. This is not just another self-help book, but self-hope, that I’m sure every reader can relate to at some level. I proudly endorse this remarkable man and his book Mind Massage For Mad Times as an important contribution to Mind-Body-Emotion healing.
Dr Julian A, Ph.D.